By James Witts

Published: Tuesday, 28 June 2022 at 12:00 am

Energy gels, those small pockets of power, have become a staple in the triathlete’s larder. Where once their viscosity reached such extreme levels that it was like squeezing out the remnants of toothpaste and proved equally hard to swallow, nowadays the best energy gels have struck a palatable balance between fluid and solid.

That makes them ideal for the run where water might not be to hand, though, as you’ll see, many still benefit from a water chaser.

When should you take energy gels?

Energy gels have become a staple in the triathlete’s larder, their culinary convenience meaning you can bike and run to your heart’s content loaded. But when exactly should you use these speed-and-stamina sachets?

It’s a broadly sweeping brush but they’re not really needed unless you’re exercising for over 90mins. That’s based on your glycogen stores being at capacity through a healthy, energising daily nutrition plan, which highlights that supplements like these aren’t maximised unless you’re fuelling proficiently as the norm, not on occasions. That means good-quality carbs, muscle-repairing and rebuilding protein, good fats, and vitamins and minerals.

How many gels should you consume on longer sessions or racing? The ideal is an individualised prescription or, more likely, through trial and error in training. Start with around 50g of carbs an hour (about two gels) and slowly consume more if you can stomach it over time. More calories delays fatigue resulting in a PB. Time for the test…

Best energy gels in 2022

SiS Beta Fuel Gel


Beta Fuel’s been around for a while, but only in powder form. The orange gel tested here is made of a newly developed blend of maltodextrin to fructose in a 1:08 ratio, which delivers a hefty 40g of carbs.

SiS’s studies identified this split as optimum, increasing the percentage of oxidised carbs from 62% to 74%. We can’t verify that without a lab, but the texture and taste is great, and it digests smoothly. Impressive.

Verdict: Cracking new gel from the energy behemoth that is SiS.

Score: 87%