By Andrew Lloyd

Published: Friday, 29 July 2022 at 12:00 am

Whether you’ve had an especially intense session and need some quick relief, or you’re feeling the strain of a long training regimen, a serious muscle rub can boost your recovery time as well as tackle specific aches and pains.

Some can even treat bruising and chafing marks that can appear while you’re on the bike or taking off your tri-suit, while others aim to decrease the lactic acid you’ve built up. There are a variety of muscle rub deals to choose from so we’ve included our picks of the best below.

But first, for a more detailed breakdown of the different types of muscle rub and how to effectively use them, we’ve spoken with Keeley Berry, who works on new product development at BetterYou, the UK’s No.1 vitamin oral spray and transdermal magnesium brand. Keeley is a nutritional expert and holds a bachelor’s degree in biomedical science. 

What type of muscle rubs are there and how do they work?

Most muscle rubs on the market tend to include the active ingredients menthol or methyl salicylate. These special ingredients are naturally occurring within some essential oils such as camphor and wintergreen.

Menthol and methyl salicylate act as nerve desensitisers, tricking the body into thinking the area feels cold by decreasing arterial blood flow. Sometimes these are combined with capsaicin, a compound found in chilli peppers to boost the warming effect.

These methods also help to distract the user from the source of the pain by providing a tingling sensation, boosted with cooling or warming elements. 

There are also other forms of muscle rubs which include NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin to help ease inflammation, which can be a good alternative for those who experience digestive discomfort when taking the oral versions of these drugs. 

More recently, athletes have been opting for more natural solutions to muscle and pain relief such as magnesium. The benefit of magnesium is that it can be applied topically as often as you require.

Magnesium chloride-based products also come in a variety of formats such as lotions, body sprays and gels. A single teaspoon of gel massaged into the skin releases 500mg magnesium chloride.

Traditional muscle rubs tend to be gel or balm based and can leave a sticky residue on the surface of the skin. All these products are applied topically for relief and their effects will last from a couple of hours to most of the day depending on the type of product. 

How should I use muscle rubs? 

For topical applications, apply to clean, dry, unbroken skin. I would always advise to do a patch test on a small area first as some of these ingredients can irritate the skin.

Don’t apply to any sensitive areas such as the eyes, face, or genitals and always wash your hands after use.

For acute pain, NSAID-based products may give more sustained relief. These drug-based solutions can be effective but are not always suitable for everyone. Follow the instructions on the packet and always check with a GP if you’re unsure of its suitability. 

Most topical products can be applied as often as required, but always check the label. If you start to experience any rashes or still experiencing pain after seven days, always revert to your GP for further assistance.

What circumstances would you use deep heat/deep freeze/other muscle rubs and lotions?

In most cases, applying heat whether from a heating lotion or hot water bottle can make injuries and inflammation worse.

For acute injuries where you have strains and sprains, headaches and arthritis, the best way forward is to cool the area down with deep freeze or an ice pack depending on the injury or ailment you have.

This will help ease inflammation and swelling in the area that typically causes the pain sensations experienced.

Once your swelling and inflammation has subsided, you may find that applying heat instead is more soothing. This is also helpful if you have tightness or stiffness in an area, particularly first thing on a morning when you wake up.

I’d opt for warming products such as deep heat or products with capsaicin in this case. This will increase blood flow to the area and help improve mobility, ultimately aiding recovery.

The BetterYou Magnesium muscle spray is a great choice to soothe hard working muscles and improve rest and recovery. Magnesium contributes to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue and electrolyte balance. It also supports normal energy-yielding metabolism.

Containing a natural blend of magnesium chloride and energising lemon oil, arnica and capsicum, the spray adds a gentle heat on application to speed up recovery time.

Best muscle rub deals to buy in 2022

BetterYou Magnesium Body Gel

Designed to naturally relax your muscles after an intense session, this magnesium body gel from BetterYou should also aid both your skin and the health of your bones.

It’s been made with a 30% concentration of pure magnesium chloride gel, which should actively target your muscles and joints, releasing the magnesium at a regulated measure for the best result. 

Suitable for all ages and even pregnant women.