
Published: Friday, 08 March 2024 at 15:21 PM

The days are slowly getting longer and we’re on our way into the business end of the season for triathlons.

This means lots of you would have started increasing your training to get ready for some of the first outdoor races in the UK. As training picks up, we commonly start to see more injuries such as:

The first thing to mention is that if you are new to triathlons and noticing pain during your runs, or any section of your training, it is worth speaking with a physio.

They will be able to advise you on how you can either modify your training programme, refer you to someone for good shoe fitting, or give you strength exercises that you can do on your own to ensure you knock any injuries on the head. This will help give longevity to your training.

If you’re used to training for these events, it’s likely that you’re also used to feeling some pain during the different sections depending on your history of previous injuries.

However, if you’re having to modify your training for 3-4 days, it’s worth getting advice, again from a physio.

Ideally, a specific physio won’t stop you from running or training unless they really have to, but will instead help you modify your training programme so that you don’t aggravate the injury, while giving you exercises or adjustments that will help.

Most of the injuries above can be prevented with an appropriate and individualised training programme which is right for you. This will ensure you don’t get the overload injuries but also that you are strong enough to complete the programme.

Top tips to prevent injury before race season

Exercises to help with tendinopathies and muscle strains

Single-leg calf raises