08. Derbyshire Cressbrook Dale

Distance: 5 miles/8km | Time: 3 hours | Grade: Moderate | Total ascent: 335m

At the northern end of Cressbrook Dale is St Peter’s Stone, the site of the UK’s last gibbet

Above Cressbrook Dale and on Wardlow Hay Cop, diverse and beautiful grasslands are stitched with wildflowers.

Cressbrook, one of five dales making up the Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve, is a treasure trove of rare plants, along with the more common rockrose splashing sunshine across the dale-side. From here, you can climb the meadow of Wardlow Hay Cop before continuing on to Monsal Head for iconic views over the Wye. Complete this flower-filled five-mile ramble via the Monsal Trail.


At Upperdale, follow the country lane to Cressbrook. The present mill was built by Sir Richard Arkwright’s son and extended by William Newton. The sprawling building is an impressive sight in this isolated valley.

2. 0.5 MILES

Follow the road uphill, keeping right. Near the top, drop down the narrow lane leading to Ravensdale Cottages (signed). The terraced cottages, tucked beneath soaring limestone cliffs, could be from a Hardy novel.

3. 1 MILE

Continue straight on to follow a path alongside the brook. Cross the footbridge to climb through ash and wych elm woodlands with scrubby thorn bushes, creamy white in spring. Soon, views open to magnificent Cressbrook Dale, winding its way to Peter’s Stone.

4. 1.7 MILES

Reaching the top of the dale, turn right to follow the edge. The grasslands contain patches of bloody cranesbill, rare bird’s-foot sedge and a canvas of other wildflowers.

Through the gate, ascend Wardlow Hay Cop, one of Derbyshire’s finest meadows. The pointed pimple, 370 metres high, is managed by Natural England. It’s rich in flora, including meadow oats and mountain pansies.

5. 2.2 MILES

Drop down to the path south-west of the summit. Head south, then curve east, cutting across two upland fields before emerging on to the lane, dropping through Hay Dale to Bottomshill Road.

6. 3.7 MILES

Turn left then take the footpath climbing to Monsal Head, with refreshment options and superb views of the looping Wye River and the majestic viaduct.

7. 4.3 MILES

Descend to the viaduct (signed), continuing north-west along the Monsal Trail with its railway heritage. Look out for an old brick hut on the left. Slip round the metal gate behind it, then head down the track and under the railway bridge. Cross the bridge spanning the River Wye, continuing to Bottomshill Road. Turn left for the car park – a short distance away.


Starting point
The free public parking at Upperdale layby next to Chatsworth Cottages, SK17 8SZ. For public transport, Hulley’s 257 bus service from Bakewell takes you as far as Monsal Head. hulleys-of-baslow.co.uk

The route includes a mix of country lanes, steep dale-side ascents and wide, flat trails.

OS Explorer OL24

Monsal Head Hotel & Bar at the peak of Monsal Head offers magnificent views and a dog-friendly restaurant. monsalhead.com

Monsal Head Hotel & Bar has seven en suite rooms. monsalhead.com
Park House Campsite in Ashford Lane has pitches for motorhomes and tents; adults only. ukcampsite.co.uk