01. Devon Berry Head

Distance: 4 miles/6.4km | Time: 2.5 hours | Grade: Moderate | Total ascent: 123m

Enjoy thrilling views of St Mary’s Bay and Sharkham Point from the South West Coast Path

From the busy fishing harbour at Brixham, with its replica of Sir Francis Drake’s Golden Hind, sample an attractive section of the South West Coast Path before exploring Berry Head Fort and Gun Battery.

The fort dates from the end of the 18th century and was built to defend against the threat of Napoleonic invasion. The grounds of the fort offer a wildflower spectacular, a riot of colour in spring and summer, buzzing with insects and with a soundtrack of birdsong.


Start from the bustling harbour at Brixham and continue from Fore Street, left along Bolton Street to climb Windmill Hill before turning left into Rea Barn Road.

2. 0.5 MILES

Fork right past the rugby ground as Rea Barn Road becomes Gillard Road. Where it meets Century Road, turn right on to a footpath behind gardens that quickly reaches the South West Coast Path with stunning views over St Mary’s Bay to Sharkham Point.

3. 1.2 MILES

Turn left for a gorgeous coastal ramble passing Durl Head to reach the South Fort at Berry Head. There are lovely views back across St Mary’s Bay to Sharkham Point. A riot of wildflowers, buzzing with beetles, will greet you, while whitethroats and wrens compete in song. Continue to the castellated walls of South Fort and enjoy the views.

Test your flower identification skills by seeking out red valerian, ground ivy, cow parsley, herb robert, bindweed, alexanders, bird’s foot trefoil, hogweed, yellow rattle, kidney vetch and viper’s bugloss.

Look out for guillemots rafting on the sea’s surface and flying to their nests on the cliff ledges below.

4. 1.9 MILES

Head out of South Fort and across Berry Head Common into the main Berry Head Fort Complex. Guardhouse Café is a great place to stop for lunch, Brixham crab sandwiches being a speciality. Continue to the squat lighthouse, both the shortest and highest lighthouse in Devon.

5. 2.4 MILES

Head over Berry Head to the Torbay side for views across Torbay to Torquay and away to Exmouth, Branscombe and Beer. Looking inland on a clear day, you can also see the tors of Dartmoor. Head back to the fort exit and across Berry Head Common to follow the South West Coast Path into Brixham.

The path continues into woodland between Berry Head Farm and a hotel, then emerges on to a lane at Shoalstone Point.

6. 3.2 MILES

Head past Shoalstone Seawater Pool and by the bay into Brixham to return to the harbour.


Starting point
Start the walk at Brixham Harbour, pictured below (TQ5 8DY), served by buses from Kingswear (no 18) and Paignton (no 12) and with a large central car park. Other car parks are available at Oxen Cove and Brixham Marina; all incur charges.

The terrain is in part residential streets, then the well-surfaced South West Coast Path (SWCP). The SWCP is not suitable for wheelchairs, although the paths at Berry Head Fort are.

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The Guardhouse Café at Berry Head Fort is an excellent place for lunch.

Enjoy lovely views from Berry Head Hotel.
Or stay next to the water at Harbour View Guest House.