09. Outer Hebrides Bosta, Great Bernera

Distance: 6.9/11.1km | Time: 4.5 hours | Grade: Moderate | Total ascent: 256m

Discover an Iron Age dwelling at Bosta Beach on Great Bernera, fringed by rare machair

Great Bernera is a beautiful, lowlying island off the western side of the Isle of Lewis. Covering just eight square miles, it contains wildflowerfilled machairs – one of Europe’s rarest habitats.

Found only on exposed western coasts of Scotland and Ireland, these sandy but fertile grassy plains are extremely colourful in spring, and even more so in summer when the flower cover is spectacular, with white daisies, clover, yellow buttercups and vibrant red knapweed and orchids. A seven-mile circular walk leads to Bosta Beach and a reconstructed Iron Age house. After the walk, enjoy a cuppa in the community café.


From the community centre, turn right and walk towards Hacklete until you come to Bhalasigh, where you turn right. Continue through the village. The route crosses a footbridge over Tób Bhalasaigh –‘Tób’ is derived from the Norse word ‘hóp’ for ‘bay’. Go past a cottage. As you approach the second house turn right, passing through three gates. Look ahead for marker posts as there is not always a path. After a derelict house, go left to follow the western coastline, graced by otters.

2. 1.7 MILES

Take care to avoid sea caves. Continue by an inlet, after which the route runs north by a small loch. Follow a low ridge to avoid boggy ground. Further on, walk by a fence after which you turn right across a boardwalk. From May to July, yellow flag iris flowers draw the eye. Markers lead to a minor road.

3. 2.8 MILES

Head towards the village of Tobson, where you go left at a T-junction. A signpost for Bosta leads through a gate. Follow the waymarkers up a steep grassy hill, ignoring a path, for a spectacular island-studded view with the Uig hills in the distance. Marker posts point the way, which later trends left across the eastern flanks of a hill overlooking Loch Sgial. After a gate in a stone wall, walk through pretty Bosta glen.

Towards the sea, see the machair with its scarlet pimpernel, delicate yellow lady’s bedstraw (Scottish primrose), bird’s foot trefoil, myriad daisies and mauve flowers of sea rocket.

4. 3.9 MILES

Stroll on to see the remains of a late Iron Age village. A fabulous, reconstructed Iron Age house sits by the white sands of Bosta Beach. This thatched structure is open for public visits during the summer season from May. Out of season visits, excluding Sundays, can be arranged in advance by contacting Bernera Museum.

5. 4 MILES

Return on the minor road. From a crest you can see the Flannan Isles and across to Lewis. After approximately a mile, the road crosses a stream by Loch na Muilne, a haunt of grey herons.


Starting point
There is free parking at Bernera Community Centre, Breacleit. Bernera, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9LT. Breacleit is served by the W2 bus service from Stornoway.

This waymarked trail is pathless in sections. Terrain is very boggy in parts. Return is on a minor road.

OS Explorer 458

Bernera Café at the Bernera Community Centre is open Tues and Thurs, 12pm-2pm. From early May, it opens from Mon-Fri from 12-4pm. Also, Doune Braes Hotel serves food (see below).

Doune Braes Hotel is known as ‘the closest hotel to the Callanish Stones’. Doune, Carloway, Isle of Lewis HS2 9AA.