Distance: 2.3 miles/3.7km | Time: 1.5 hours | Grade: Moderate | Total ascent: 210m
For more walks and days out visit

Ebbor Gorge lies on the southern slopes of the Mendip Hills NNR

Though just five miles from Cheddar Gorge, the sylvan and striking Ebbor Gorge is far less busy. Formed of limestone, it’s pocked with caves, some of which were used as dwellings by our prehistoric ancestors.

Nowadays, the lush ancient woods are a designated National Nature Reserve. Those with children who need bribing to go on walks can promise them a visit to Wookey Hole Caves afterwards.


Starting on Wookey Hole High Street, head up School Hill, passing between a ‘no through road’ sign and a splendid little shelter. When the road bends to the right, go through a metal gate on your left, following a Monarch’s Way sign.

Climb the grassy hill on a footpath, crossing stiles and ignoring a left-hand path immediately before the hill becomes steeper.

2. 0.7 MILES

Just before reaching the top, in front of a stile inscribed with the words ‘Smile on you crazy diamond’, turn left on a crossing path, entering a new field. Keep the wall to your right through this field and the next, taking in views of Wells and Glastonbury Tor, topped by its famous tower.

3. 1 MILE

As you reach the end of the second field, bear left, keeping inside it. You’ve now joined the West Mendip Way. This path bends right and dives into the woods of the gorge, heading straight over where a path crosses it. In spring, these woods come alive with bluebells.

4. 1.3 MILES

After your walk, explore the dark depths of Wookey Hole p

Just after the footpath turns sharp left, take a ath on the right to emerge at a small grassy viewpoint. After enjoying the panoramas across the Somerset Levels, retrace your steps to the main path and turn right along it. Follow this path to descend the gorge until you reach a road called Kennel Batch.

5. 2 MILES

Turn left along the road, still on the West Mendip Way. After 300m, follow the road left, ignoring Titlands Lane to the right. You are now on the High Street. Walk 300m along the High Street to return to the start at School Hill. CF


Starting point

The junction of Wookey Hole High Street and School Hill. If visiting Wookey Hole Caves afterwards, park in their free car park. Otherwise, it’s best to arrive by the 67 bus from nearby Wells. For a longer walk, you can take the West Mendip Way from Wells to the start (about two miles).


The path begins with a bracing climb and can get muddy in the woods in wet weather. Follow Monarch’s Way signs up the hill, and the West Mendip Way down through Ebbor Gorge and back to the start.


OS Explorer 141


Try the Wookey Hole Ice Cream Parlour or the restaurant and beer garden of the Wookey Hole Inn.


The Wookey Hole Inn has a selection of spacious rooms, while Wells (two miles away) has a wide variety of accommodation.

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