03 Mosedale Horseshoe, Cumbria

Distance: 10.5 miles/16.9km | Time: 7-8 hours | Grade: Challenging | Total ascent: 1,306m

The craggy and majestic Pillar (892m) is one of five great mountains on the Mosedale Horseshoe

Starting at Wasdale Head, under the shadow of Scafell Pike, this classic Lake District ridge walk loops the remote, bowl-like valley of Mosedale via a series of iconic peaks.

The all-day walk ticks off five must-climb mountains – Pillar, Scoat Fell, Steeple, Red Pike and Yewbarrow – and serves up stunning views of others, including the Scafell Massif and Great Gable. It’s a rough and rugged hike, with steep ascents and a touch of scrambling. It’ll test your legs and fitness, but it’s well worth the graft – particularly if you end with a pint and some pub grub at the charming Wasdale Head Inn.


Head north to the Wasdale Head Inn. Pass the pub, veer left and take the path to the right of Mosedale Beck. Fork left at Fogmire Beck and head north-west following Mosedale Beck, continuing deep into Mosedale Valley.

Beyond a cairn, fork right and take Black Sail Pass north to Gatherstone Beck. Veer left across the beck before climbing zig-zagging Black Sail Pass path. Veer north-east and east to the col.

2 2.4 MILES

Beyond the large cairn, turn left and follow old metal fenceposts north-west. Pass to the left of a small tarn and follow the path. Traverse west, bypassing south of Looking Stead, and arrive at the base of Pillar’s eastern ridge. Ascend steeply west over craggy ground. Veer north-west and west again, following the clear path that leads to Pillar’s summit.

3 3.8 MILES

Turn left and descend steep, rocky slopes southwest to Wind Gap. Climb south-west, over boulders past Black Crag. Head west over a wide, grassy col before climbing south-west towards Scoat Fell. Cross a boulder field, go through a gap in the wall, and follow the wall west. Reach Scoat Fell’s summit (cairn atop the wall). Follow the wall west, pass a large cairn and veer right towards Steeple. Descend a narrow path to the col then climb to the summit.


Retrace your steps to the main ridge. Cross the wall gap and head southeast on pathless slopes to the col between Scoat Fell and Red Pike. Climb southeast to Red Pike. Descend south, south-east and east to Dore Head. The crags ahead look daunting, but a narrow trod guides the way. There are a few short gullies and steps to negotiate, so scrambling confidence is essential. At Yewbarrow’s broad plateau, pass the northern top and continue south to the true summit.

5 7.5 MILES

Descend south. Pass a small cairn at the nose of the ridge and continue south towards Great Door. Just before some craggy humps at the ridge’s south tip, veer right on a path that bypasses more difficult terrain and descends south-west. The going is steep and rocky, following a gully, but the path guides you safely down. Veer left to the wall and cross a ladder stile. Turn right and follow the wall south-west to Over Beck, down to the road, then left to the car park.


Starting point
Park for free at the ‘village green’ car park in Wasdale Head (CA20 1EX). On summer weekends, a park and ride shuttle-bus is available from Gosforth and Nether Wasdale.

A tough mountain walk with steep rocky ground, boulder fields, sections of scrambling. Good navigation skills required.

OS Explorer OL4 and OL6

Head to Ritson’s Bar at the Wasdale Head Inn.

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