Best photo artists on Instagram
Social media is a great platform for photographers to both share their images and search for inspiration. Here are a handful of the most talented and influential photographers to follow.

Pembrokeshire-based Drew, aka Puffin Man, spectacularly captures these clowns of the sea.

A leading underwater photographer, award-winning Alex reveals a fascinating world.

With a passion for wildlife, Andrew beautifully depicts animals in their natural environment.

Creative photographer Amy captures gorgeous images of working farm life in the Lake District.

Andrew is renowned for superb images of butterflies and the Shropshire landscape.

Innovative photographer Rachael specialises in fine-art images of the sea, especially waves.

A talented and self-taught nature photographer with a particular passion for sea birds.

An ardent ethical photographer with a passion for the truly wild, such as this mountain hare.

Dreamy photography of the woods, fields and heathlands of Dorset. Find more in The Art of Photographing Flowers.