PDSA Vet Nurse Shauna Walsh debunks six cat myths, from whether they should drink milk to whether they can forecast the weather

By countryfile

Published: Thursday, 08 February 2024 at 17:27 PM

There are many myths that people still believe about cats, says PDSA Vet Nurse Shauna Walsh.

From drinking a saucer of milk each day to seeing ghosts, cats are associated with all manner of strange beliefs and superstitions – but it’s safe to say, don’t believe everything you hear.

Here, Shauna debunks six common feline myths…

Cats have nine lives

Quite why we say they have nine lives is unclear but the idea is expressed in an ancient proverb: “A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays.”

Obviously, cats have only one life. What they do have, however, is a remarkable ability to fall from a height and land on their feet often unharmed, which can be quite shocking to witness. And while they might seem lucky, they definitely do not die and return to life again. They manage to get out of some ‘sticky’ situations, but they are not invincible.

Instead they rely on their athletic abilities, flexibility, strength and their tail, which they use for balance. Having said that, it is always best to make sure your second-floor windows or balconies are securely closed or covered with mesh so that they don’t cause themselves any injuries.

Cats should be fed milk

For years, we have seen cats enjoying a saucer of milk on TV and other media, so a lot of owners often think that cats need milk to be healthy – but this isn’t true. In fact, milk might actually do more harm than good to your feline friend. 

Your cat may seem to like the taste of milk, but we would always advise steering clear of giving it to them. Most cats are actually lactose intolerant as they don’t have the enzyme (lactase) in their intestines to digest the sugar in milk (lactose), meaning milk containing lactose can make them poorly. They can get vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain from drinking it, just like lactose intolerance in humans. 

Not just that, but a saucer of milk can be loaded with fat. One saucer of milk for your cat is like you eating an entire 12-inch pizza. That might not sound too bad on its own, but imagine eating that on top of all your usual daily meals. Suddenly that pizza seems like a lot more. Giving your cat milk can not only make them poorly but it can also lead to weight gain and obesity. It’s best to avoid.

Cats can see ghosts

All cat owners have probably experienced their feline friend running crazily from room to room – but despite what you might have been told about cats seeing ghosts, there’s no evidence to support this. 

Cats can sense things that we can’t – for example, their hearing is much more sensitive than ours, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re sensing anything paranormal. They’re just picking up on things that are happening around us that might be too quiet for us to hear. 

If your cat is running around like something possessed, the likelihood is that they’re having a funny five minutes (zoomies!) to get rid of the excess energy they might otherwise burn when hunting – or they’re trying to convince you to play with them.

Scaredy cats 

We’ve all heard of the term ‘scaredy cat’, but sadly when a cat is scared, it’s more than just a phrase. Cats can be afraid of lots of different things and, for many owners, finding the cause of the problem and knowing what to do next can be a challenge. Unfortunately, if your cat is left without any help, their fear can lead to stress, anxiety and even illness, especially as fears tend to get worse over time. If you think your cat is acting out of sorts, hiding away, or generally more stressed, it’s always best to speak to your vet for advice.

Cats can tell the weather 

Some believe that if a cat licks their fur more, it means it’s going to rain. However, as helpful as that would be, our pets cannot predict the weather. Generally, cats are very clean animals and like to groom themselves, so unless it’s going to rain every day, this superstition is completely false.

If your cat is licking themselves a lot more than normal, it’s always best to contact your vet for advice as this can be a sign of illness such as stress, parasites, or skin allergies.

Cats aren’t as friendly as dogs

It’s often thought that cats are a lot less friendly compared to other popular pets such as dogs – but again this isn’t true. All animals are different, regardless of type of pet or breed, and they have different personalities, just like humans.

Cats make lovely pets, and with the right home life environment and positive training, they are often great, loving companions. Cats show their emotions and display affection in a different way to dogs and usually like things to be on their terms. We just need to learn their language to understand them.

Love cats? Check out our pets section for advice on cat care from How to take your cat to the vet without stress to how to get rid of fleas

About the PDSA

The PDSA is the UK’s leading vet charity, providing free and low-cost treatment to pets in need. PDSA vets and vet nurses provide veterinary care and advice to sick and injured pets whose owners otherwise couldn’t afford to pay the full cost of treatment.

To find out more about cats, including feeding, health and behaviour visit pdsa.org.uk/cats

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