Think large ocean animals only live in foreign waters? Think again! You can see huge sharks, whales and turtles right here on our coastlines, says Melissa Hobson


Published: Wednesday, 26 June 2024 at 11:43 AM

When it comes to the ocean, people often think they need to travel to far-flung, exotic locations to see incredible wildlife but the UK is home to lots of amazing –and enormous – marine life says Melissa Hobson

From whales the size of a bus to breaching sharks with whip-like tails, here are some of the UK’s most colossal ocean animals.

Largest sea animals

 Basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus)

Reaching 12 metres, basking sharks are the world’s second largest fish – behind whale sharks. When these ocean giants cruise the surface feeding on plankton, it looks like they’re basking in the sun. They usually visit UK waters between May and October and can be seen in Cornwall, the Isle of Man and the Sea of the Hebrides

Killer whales (Orcinus orca)

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Also called orcas, killer whales are the largest and, arguably, most recognisable dolphin. They grow up to 9.8m long with an enormous dorsal fin (up to 1.8m in males) and iconic black and white markings. A resident group lives around the west coast of the UK and Ireland and another population sometimes visits northern Scotland.

Are killer whales dangerous to humans?

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Humpback whales are one of the biggest animals in the sea
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Humpback whales
can grow to 17m – around the same length as a bus. The markings on the underside of their tail fluke are unique to each whale so researchers use these to identify individuals. Humpbacks feed in colder waters before making huge migrations to tropical oceans to reproduce. They can sometimes be spotted in UK waters, particularly in Cornwall.

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)