Ever wondered why your dog pants? It turns out, there’s more to this doggy behavior than just catching their breath


Published: Thursday, 04 July 2024 at 14:55 PM

Panting is part of a dog’s normal cooling process, says PDSA veterinary nurse, Gemma Renwick. But there are times when it could be cause for concern.

Why do dogs pant?

Dogs don’t sweat in the same way that we do, so in order to regulate their body temperature and cool themselves down, they need to pant.

While there are occasions when your dog may be more likely to pant, you won’t normally see this behaviour from a relaxed and comfortable pooch.  

This being said, panting is generally in response to something, so you are more likely to see your dog pant after exercise or on a warm day. You may also see them panting if they’re excited about something, such as waiting for you to play fetch with them. In cases where something exciting is happening, this will be a normal response and generally shouldn’t be anything to worry about.  

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You may also see your dog panting if they are trying to cool themselves down. When panting, they breathe out hot air and breathe in cooler air, while allowing water to evaporate from their tongue and mouth. This cools down their blood stream and their bodies. 

If you see your dog panting, it can be useful to think about the situation to see if there’s an obvious reason why

Knowing whether your dog is panting too much can be difficult, but it’s important to know when the signs may be pointing to something more serious. If you see your dog panting, it can be useful to think about the situation to see if there’s an obvious reason why. By asking yourself whether it’s a warm day, if they’ve recently exercised or whether they’re likely to be excited about something, you may be able to understand the underlying cause.  

Can a dog panting be a worrying sign?

If there doesn’t seem to be a reason, or the panting seems to be continuing longer than expected, it’s worth considering other causes. If your dog seems to be struggling to catch their breath, call your vet for advice straight away. 

Flat-faced dogs such as pugs, bulldogs and French bulldogs, are more prone to panting – their smaller airways restrict airflow, so they struggle to move air efficiently, and are more likely to need to pant to cool down.

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome

These breeds often have narrowed nostrils and windpipe, known as Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome, or BOAS. Alongside a crowded nose and throat, as they have the same amount of tissue as a longer-nosed dog packed into a much smaller place. All of which cause obstruction to the airflow and make it difficult to get enough air in. 

Overweight dogs may also be more prone to panting, so in these cases, it’s very important to take extra care to look out for the signs of excessive panting, and get help from your vet if your dog needs it. 

Dogs can also pant when they are feeling stressed or anxious, or if they’re excited about something. When you notice your dog panting, keep an eye on their body language, as this can help you determine if your dog is panting because they are excited, or if they are feeling worried.

If you notice they are also pinning their ears back, tucking their tail underneath them or hiding away and avoiding eye contact, these are all tell-tale signs of stress. If you think your dog is panting due to being stressed, try to work out the cause of the stressor.  

If your dog is regularly panting as well as showing other signs of stress, we’d always recommend taking them for a check over by your vet, as there may be an underlying cause for the feelings of stress.  

What other conditions can cause your dog to pant?

Hot weather and high temperatures

During hot or humid days, always take extra care to prevent overheating, such as avoiding exercising your pooch during the hottest parts of the day, and never leaving them in a hot car or areas of the house that might heat up quickly, such as porches or conservatories.

Whilst panting helps cool your dog down, warm temperatures and heatstroke can be fatal for our furry friends, so be mindful of the heat your dog is exposed to both outside and indoors. 

Often, heavy panting is caused by exercise or due to very hot conditions. However, excessive panting can be a warning sign that your dog is becoming dangerously hot or starting to struggle with their breathing, so recognising the warning signs is crucial to helping your dog. If your dog is showing the following symptoms; give first aid by cooling your pet with cold water as quickly as possible (avoiding their nose and mouth) and contact your vet immediately: 

How to spot signs of heatstroke

If your dog continues to get hotter despite their panting, this can lead to heatstroke. This is a life-threatening emergency. If your dog is suffering with heatstroke, you may notice these additional symptoms: 

Heatstroke can be fatal very quickly, so if you spot any symptoms, contact your vet immediately – and remember that there are many ways to prevent them from overheating, which will reduce the risk of your dog developing heatstroke. 

Overall, there are lots of reasons why your dog might pant and many of them won’t be a problem – especially on a warm day. However, if there has been a sudden change in your dog’s behaviour and they are unusually panting with no obvious cause, you may want to talk to your vet for advice.

More dog advice

About the PDSA

The PDSA is the UK’s leading vet charity, providing free and low-cost treatment to pets in need. PDSA vets and vet nurses provide veterinary care and advice to sick and injured pets whose owners otherwise couldn’t afford to pay the full cost of treatment.