Some once-common native species are disappearing from the British countryside – our guide looks at 17 of the most endangered animal species in the UK that have suffered acute declines in recent years.


Published: Wednesday, 08 May 2024 at 12:00 PM

A study by scientists at London’s Natural History Museum revealed that Britain has lost almost half of its biodiversity since the Industrial Revolution, and that the nation is one of the worst rated in terms of the extent to which is ecosystems have retained their natural biodiversity. But some of the UK’s precious wildlife is still hanging on in key strongholds across the country.

Here is our expert guide to some of the most endangered animal species in Britain, with a few key details on where they can be found, how to identify and why each species is in decline.

Britain’s most endangered animal species

Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris)

Scottish wildcat kittens. Credit: Getty

The only feline species native to the British Isles, the wildcat was once widespread, but is now restricted to northern Scotland where as few as 100 may remain.