There are eight species of crow in the UK– meet the characterful crow family and learn more about how to identify corvids, their diet and habitat in our comprehensive guide.

By Fergus Collins

Published: Monday, 26 June 2023 at 12:00 am

Intelligent, bold and found almost everywhere in the UK, members of the crow family – known as corvids, can be seen on almost any countryside walk. But how well do you know these large and characterful bird species? Can you tell your carrion crow from your rook?

Crow species are intelligent birds that can adapt to a range of habitats, nesting sites and food items – with the exception of the more specialised chough.

While many typical farmland species such as turtle doves, corn buntings and yellowhammers have struggled with the intensification of farming practices over the past 70 years and declined as their ecological niches have shrunk, crows are more opportunistic and versatile and find ways of living alongside us humans. The crow family’s success at a time when other birds have disappeared has led many people to blame the crows rather than look at complex environmental issues.

Learn more about British crows – where they live, how to identify them and some of the controversies surrounding some of the species in our expert guide.