By Abigail Whyte

Published: Wednesday, 13 April 2022 at 12:00 am

Surprisingly nutty with an underlying hint of dandelion petals, I drizzle this syrup over Dandelion Griddle Cakes (recipe in Wild & Sweet) for a sugary, detoxifying treat or dilute it for children’s drinks.

  • 5595
  • Difficulty Easy


  • Dandelion flowers 150, Petals picked
  • Boiling water 175ml/6fl oz
  • Golden granulated sugar 150g/5oz


  • Step 1

    Place the dandelion petals in a small saucepan over a low heat and pour over the boiling water. Bring to a simmer then immediately take off the heat and cover. Leave to steep for 12–24 hours.

    Step 2

    Strain through a jelly bag or muslin cloth and squeeze every last drop out.

    Step 3

    Measure the liquid and match the volume with the same weight of sugar, for example 150ml/5fl oz liquid with 150g/5oz sugar.

    Step 4

    Pour the dandelion liquid and sugar into a saucepan and slowly heat until steaming, then continue to cook for 5–10 minutes. Leave to cool before pouring into a sterilised bottle: it will keep in the fridge for up to 3 months.

Discover more of Rachel Lambert’s recipes in Wild & Sweet with photography by Elliot White (Hoxton Mini Press, £25)

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