By Daniel Graham

Published: Monday, 28 February 2022 at 12:00 am

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is traditionally a day of feasting before the beginning of Lent. During the Lenten fast those that follow the Christian faith may fast to mark the journey of Jesus into the desert, where religious scripture says he fasted and prayed for 40 days.

Pancakes were traditionally made to mark Shrove Tuesday as they use up rich and fatty foods, such as sugar, eggs and milk.

When is Pancake Day?

This year Pancake Day falls on Tuesday 1st March. Celebrate Shrove Tuesday with this easy pancake recipe, plus a selection of delicious fillings.

Why does the date of Pancake Day change each year?

The date of Pancake Day changes each year because it always fall 47 days Easter Sunday. As a result, the date can fall between 3rd February and 9th March as the date of Easter changes annually.

Here is an easy recipe for pancake batter

  • 2874
  • Prep time 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy


  • Plain flour 110g
  • Eggs 2, large
  • Milk 200ml
  • Water 50ml
  • Salt a pinch
  • Butter a large knob


  • Step 1

    Mix salt, flour and eggs with a spoon until roughly combined. Whisk, adding milk and water slowly until mixture is consistency of emulsion. (Ideally) leave for an hour to settle.

    Step 2

    Melt butter and add a tea spoon of veg oil. Use kitchen paper to smear a thin layer across frying pan. Get the pan really hot and add a small ladle of pancake mixture – swill around to coat bottom of pan.

    Step 3

    After 30 seconds of so, lift the edge with a slice or palette knife. If golden, flip and cook the other side for a few seconds. Add filling.

From classic combinations to savoury sensations, here are a few ideas for what to put in your pancakes.

[image id=”9370″ size=”landscape_thumbnail” align=”none” title=”Jam pancakes” alt=”Jam pancakes” classes=””] Jam pancakes ©Getty

Sweet pancakes:

  1. Cream and golden syrup. Sickeningly delicious.
  2. Maple syrup, whipped cream, roasted chopped pecans and apples, pan-fried in butter.
  3. Golden syrup, crème fraiche, orange zest and orange segments.
  4. Keep it simple, so just lemon and sugar
  5. Jam
  6. Banana and melted chocolate or chocolate spread
  7. Greek yoghurt and fresh berries


  1. Baked beans, ham and cheese
  2. Spinach – try blending into the mixture and add cream cheese as your filling
  3. Roasted butternut squash, hummous and sesame seeds
  4. Creme fraîche, watercress and smoked salmon
  5. Cream cheese and peanut butter
  6. Mushy peas and cheddar cheese – an old Yorkshire favourite!