This station-to-station walk links Finsbury Park to Stoke Newington via Woodberry Wetlands Nature Reserve, Clissold Park and Abney Park.

By Dixe Wills

Published: Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 13:02 PM

This route between the stations at Finsbury Park and Stoke Newington takes in two parkland lakes, a lengthy riverside walk, a scenic reservoir and a wetland nature reserve – it’s a water-lovers’ dream.

The walk includes Finsbury Park – look out for moorhens, coots, pochards and tufted ducks; the New River and its unexpected crop of reeds; the Woodberry Wetlands Nature Reserve (open 9.30am-4pm); Clissold Park with its Grade II-listed mansion; and Abney Park, a wildlife haven that’s not so much a cemetery as a wood with gravestones.

The walk ends in Stoke Newington, home to a coterie of quirky independent cafés, restaurants, pubs and bars.

Woodberry Wetland in the heart of London/Credit: Getty

Finsbury Park to Stoke Newington walk

3.8 miles/6.1km | 2 hours | easy | 23m ascent

1. Start

At the exit to Finsbury Park station turn left, cross Stroud Green Road and head through the gated entrance to Finsbury Park. After 100m, bear left on a tarmac footpath, then left again shortly afterwards to go uphill.

Sunset in a Finsbury Park
Finsbury Park/Credit: Getty

2. McKenzie Flower Garden

At a fingerpost, turn right (signed ‘Stoke Newington 3m’) to cross a park road and pass to the right of a café and playground. Go through McKenzie Flower Garden with a lake to your left and continue along the path, following Capital Ring signs. Cross another park road and head forward to a gate.

Looking for walking gear?

3. New River

Cross the road at the pedestrian lights, turn left and after 15m go through a large kissing gate onto the New River. Follow the New River Path for approximately 3km, carefully crossing the Seven Sisters Road and accompanying the river as it passes two large reservoirs and Woodberry Wetlands (well worth a visit and has a café/toilets). Cross a footbridge, turn right and reach Green Lanes beside the fortress-like Castle Climbing Centre.