Looking for a rural idyll in the heart of the city? Head to Hampstead Heath where a necklace of pools mingles with woodlands, meadows and dramatic views over London

By Sian Anna Lewis

Published: Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at 09:02 AM

Hampstead Heath is London’s green lung, a 760-acre sprawl of meadows, woodland and deep pools.

In the 18th century, the Heath became a popular escape for city dwellers in need of fresh air, and it’s still a peaceful haven for Londoners today – and so vast that you might feel like you’re in a rural idyll even in the heart of the city, and find yourself with a sweep of green space all to yourself.

The Heath’s crowning glory are its three bathing pools – one for women, one for men and one mixed – and this walk starts and ends by the first two, known as the Highgate Ponds, and also passes the mixed pool along the way.

This iconic parkland has so many trails criss-crossing it that you can make your walk as short or as long as you like, but this three-mile circular is a great introduction to the delights of the Heath. 

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