Providing natural food and shelter for garden birds can make a huge difference to species survival in the colder months. Our guide explains how to make your garden bird-friendly this autumn and winter.

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Published: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 at 12:00 am

Providing natural food for garden birds, in addition to keeping bird feeders well topped up, can make a huge difference to birds’ survival in the winter weather ahead.

Our wildlife guide explains how to attract birds to your garden in autumn and winter, plus easy crafts to make.

Clean and stock up feeders

A great tit, the largest of the UK tits, at a birdfeeder. It is a woodland bird which has readily adapted to man-made habitats to become a familiar garden visitor/Credit: Getty Images

Since bird flu wiped out vast populations of birds, it’s never been more important to clean and sterilise your bird feeders. When the weather begins to turn cold, clean your feeder before restocking it. Use rubber gloves, and a dedicated brush, and sterilise by soaking in a sterilising liquid such as Milton, following the instructions on the packet, before allowing to dry. Make sure it is completely dry before use.

Refill feeders with a mix of high-quality bird food, including seeds, fat and mealworms to help provide birds with energy during the colder months.


Sow green manures

Sow ‘green manures’, such as scorpion weed (Phacelia Tanacetifolia), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) or red clover (Trifolium pratense), into soils. These fast-germinating plants smother weeds as well as improving the soil, which will benefit your garden and the visiting wildlife. If you plant them in time for them to flower, it will successfully feed bees and other pollinators with their nectar, and the later seeds will also provide birds with food during the “hungry gap” in late winter.

Essex red clover (Trifolium pratense) overwinters well in the garden, keeping the soil structure and smothering weeds./Credit: Getty

Additionally, autumn is a fantastic time to plant bulbs that will flower in time to feed the very first emerging pollinators in the spring. Check out our guide to spring bulbs to plant in autumn for bees and butterflies.

Grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum) and bumble bee in the spring garden. /Credit: Dasha Kalinkova/Getty Images.

Create a wildflower patch

Sow wildflower meadows ready for spring to feed insects and encourage birds to your garden/Credit: Getty

Wildflower meadows can also be sown now, ready for the next spring. These can include plants like bird’s foot trefoil, field scabious, ox-eye daisy and red clover. These meadows will feed insects, which in turn will feed garden birds.

Separate perennial flowers

Summer flowering blue Geranium flowers also known as Crane’s-bill can easily be split/Credit: Getty

After flowering, it is useful to divide up the perennials such as hardy geraniums, heleniums, phlox and primulas. By spreading them out or giving them to friends and family, this creates new feeding places for nature.

Leave seedheads on your plants

Adult goldfinch (Carduelis carduleis) feeding on teasel (Getty)

By leaving seedheads to form rather than deadheading, this will feed birds and other wildlife during the autumn and winter months. After the birds return to your garden once the weather grows colder, this harvest will hugely benefit them.

Create a pond or birdbath

Birds and other garden wildlife will benefit from a small pond/Credit: Getty

As well as planting, the more practical jobs can be completed to prepare fro autumn or winter. Birds use ponds/birdbaths for drinking and bathing throughout the year, and a wealth of other wildlife will also benefit. This does not have to be a massive project, as an upturned dustbin lid or old washing up bowl is just as useful.

Clean nest boxes

Hang nest boxes for garden birds to seek sanctuary in the cold winter months. Credit: Getty Images

When the breeding season is over, towards the end of September, it is very important to clean out the nest boxes in your garden. – particularly in the wake of bird flu. Place the contents in your compost heap and use boiling water to clean out any parasites. After the box has dried out, replace the lid and hang it back up. Wrens and other small birds may use the box to keep warm during the winter. Remember to keep cleaning your bird feeders regularly.

Wildlife-friendly craft projects

Make a log bird feeder

On your next trip outside, keep an eye out for a nice sturdy log. With a few quick drills and screws, the old tree part can become the feeding platform for garden birds. It’s the perfect project for getting you outside using your hands, with the added value of offering support for local wildlife.


How to make fat balls for your garden birds

Most of us have kitchen staples that are also loved by birds – find out how to use yours up and make fat balls for your garden birds.

A house sparrow feeds on a fat ball made from kitchen scraps. If buying fat balls, try to avoid the ones that come in little plastic nets. Birds can bet their feet caught in these and die./Credit: Getty

Make birdseed ornaments

For those who love watching garden birds, these inexpensive feeders will be a joy to hang around the garden. They’re simple and fun to make and the birds love them.

Decorate your garden and help the birds with these pretty feeders./Credit: iStock