Colourful and characterful puffins are one of Britain’s most loved seabirds, living on coastal islands off the UK shore in breeding season.

By Carys Matthews

Published: Wednesday, 15 March 2023 at 12:00 am

The Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica), also known as the common puffin, is a species of seabird that belongs to the auk family and lives on coastal islands off the UK shore during breeding season. Their characterful features and colourful beak have led the puffin to gain the nicknames ‘the sea parrot’ or ‘clown of the sea’.

Our expert guide takes a closer look at these fascinating seabirds, delving into their characteristics, diet, migration, breeding habits and the best places to see the Atlantic puffin in the UK. 

Learn more about other seabird species, plus other coastal species such as dolphins and whales and seals. We also reveal Britain’s best coastal arches, caves and stacks and spectacular coastal walks around the UK.

How many species of puffin are there?

There are four species of puffin in the world: the Atlantic Puffin, horned Puffin, tufted puffin and rhinoceros auklet. It is the Atlantic puffin, which has the scientific name Fratercula arctica, that is found in the UK.

How to identify puffins

The Atlantic puffin is an easily identified seabird thanks to their distinctive black back, pale chest, round white cheeks, orange legs, and red, yellow and black bill.

How big are puffins?

Puffins are surprisingly tiny! Weighing about 500 grams and 18cm in height on average. Yet despite their size, puffins are a tough and determined species, thriving in the most challenging weather conditions.

Puffins among flowering coastal thrift/Credit: Getty Images

How many puffins live in the UK?

There are around 580,000 pairs of Atlantic puffin living in the UK. They arrive here in spring, settling on islands and cliff tops around our coast to breed.



When is the puffin breeding season?

In spring and summer thousands of puffins gather in colonies on the coast and North Atlantic Ocean to breed.

Each year, puffins lay an average of one egg, usually staying with the same mate throughout their lifetimes. Puffins build burrows in rocky cliffs, or on the solid ground between rocks. Burrows are located three feet under the ground.

How long do puffins live?

Puffins can live to up 25 years in the wild.