Discover more about the majestic red deer.


Published: Tuesday, 03 September 2024 at 11:53 AM

Today, red deer continue to thunder through our culture, says wildlife writer, Adele Brand. Their Middle English name of ‘hart’ is on uncounted pub signs, while the art world – from famous paintings to garden statues – is enthralled by their likeness.

Tourists and wildlife watchers, too, are drawn to red deer in both our wildest landscapes and London deer parks.

What do they look like?

Some may wonder if they are observing a fallow or sika deer instead, but the red’s plain coat and buff-coloured rump are reliable markers.

The best time to see red deer is during the autumn rut (September to November), when stags are most active and can often be seen battling for dominance.

What do they sound like?