By Alice Tuffery

Published: Thursday, 22 December 2022 at 12:00 am

For many elderly or physically restricted people, bird feeding offers a wonderful opportunity to interact with the natural world. And for the birds, there is a steady supply of food, especially in cooler winter months when natural food can become scarce.

What birds can you attract to your garden?

Different foods attract different wild birds to your garden and a great deal of the fun of putting food out is to see exactly what will turn up. In most parts of the UK, you can expect blue and great tits, robins, sparrows and blackbirds. Each of these will have its favourite food.

Our guide to garden birds offers more detail on what to expect.

The best food for feeding wild birds

While feeding garden birds can be as easy as filling a simple feeder full of peanuts for blue tits and great tits, with a bit of advice you can create a bird feeding set-up that is better for you, your garden and, most importantly, the birds themselves.

The types and range of wild bird food available has increased dramatically over recent years and can be quite bewildering. In fact, the market for bird food is so huge many farmers have been encouraged to grow bird food instead of human food, which raises questions about food supply. It pays to explore where your bird food comes from and how it is grown.

Here is a selection of typical wild bird foods that you can put out for your garden birds.

