By Jonny Wilkes

Published: Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 12:00 am

Each month BBC History Revealed asks a historical expert for their take on what might have happened if a key moment in the past had turned out differently. This time, Jonny Wilkes talks to Professor Judith Jesch about what might have happened had the peoples of Scandinavia never sailed to, and settled in, other lands…

What if the famed and feared seafaring folk of Scandinavia had simply decided to remain at home, coping with the harsh conditions and content with lives spent fishing? Perhaps the Vikings might have never mastered the art of shipbuilding, which allowed them to take to the open sea and navigate to lands beyond the horizon. Or they found another outlet for their proclivities to raid and pillage. There would have been no Viking Age.

The ramifications on world history are, simply, unknowable. From the raid on Lindisfarne in AD 793 – the event often cited as the start of the Viking Age – the movements of the people of Norway, Denmark and Sweden defined the early medieval world.

They were not only the warriors of their bloodthirsty reputation, but ruled as kings, grew wealthy through trade, and became the greatest explorers of the age. Their influence touched all areas of life, from politics to town planning and culture to language, and can still be felt today.

It’s Vikings Week on HistoryExtra!

Check back for new highlights each day from 15–19 November, as we explore why the seafaring warriors erupted from what is now modern Scandinavia, and the legacy they left behind. Check out today’s highlights


Besides, a whole host of circumstances had to be different to prevent the Vikings from venturing overseas in the first place. “They needed not to have had previous contact with cultures around them, which gave them knowledge of opportunities there, and no wealthy and ostentatious upper class keen on gaining more wealth through plunder and trade,” says Judith Jesch, professor of Viking studies at the University of Nottingham.

“And they needed not to have been human, adventurous and curious, since migration and movement are pretty much constants in human history.”

All of that depended, however, on the Vikings’ skill for shipbuilding. Take that away and they may well have never attempted to sail over the sea to the English coast.

They needed not to have been human, adventurous and curious, since migration and movement are pretty much constants in human history
Professor Judith Jesch

As well as the effects on populations, culture, religion and language, the migration from Scandinavia helped bring the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England together against their common enemy. Alfred the Great’s victory over the Viking Great Army in AD 878 helped lay the foundations of the united England achieved by his grandson Aethelstan in the AD 920s. With no Vikings, would unification have been hindered or come about sooner?

“My hunch is probably neither. Processes of political unification and division on this island seem to be regular occurrences,” explains Jesch. “The Vikings may have given one group an opportunity to influence these processes in a particular way, but without them other factors might have given different groups different opportunities. The long-term developments might not have changed.”

In context: the Viking Age

The name ‘Viking’ refers to the waves of Scandinavians from modern-day Norway, Denmark and Sweden who sailed across the seas from the late-eighth century to 1066, and beyond. They neither called themselves by that name nor were they a distinct ethnic and social group, but the Viking Age changed the known world of the early medieval period.

Their voyages saw Scandinavian influence spread from the Byzantine empire in the east to across the Atlantic Ocean, where they discovered new territory such as Iceland, Greenland and North America.

The impact of the Vikings on the societies they encountered was monumental: they attacked and pillaged; established trading networks; transformed political systems and founded settlements. The English language also owes a significant debt to Old Norse.

Yet a clear change in English history would have been the absence of the Danelaw, the region colonised and controlled by the Danes where their culture took root and a line of Viking kings ruled, including the powerful Cnut of Northumbria. The other unions against Viking invaders that formed in Scotland, between the Picts and Scots, and Ireland, when Brian Boru rose to be High-King in 1002, would have also been lost or at least been much altered.

Listen: Dr Ben Raffield considers what the Danelaw actually was, and how Scandinavian settlers interacted with the early English kingdoms