By GuestEditor

Published: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 at 12:00 am

In context: what is Nato?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) was created on the signing by 12 founder members of the document known as the Washington Treaty on 4 April 1949. These members included the UK, Canada and the US, although Nato was meant to encourage wider collective action.

The 14 articles of the treaty define the alliance’s essential purpose: to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. 

Article 5 states that “an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all… if such an armed attack occurs, each of them [will take] such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force” – the principle of collective defence. So far, Article 5 has been invoked once – in response to the US 9/11 attacks.

Have Nato’s purposes and strategy always been clear and agreed?

James Sheehan: The best summary of Nato’s original purpose was the comment attributed to its first secretary general, Lord Ismay, suggesting that the alliance existed to “keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”. For 40 years it succeeded in those three objectives: the United States remained committed to European security, the Soviet Union did not expand into western Europe, and West Germany, though economically powerful and rearmed, did not become a threat to its neighbours.

But despite its long-term success, Nato faced a series of crises, some of them very serious: the postwar division of Berlin, the question of German nuclear weapons, the defection of France from Nato’s military command in 1966, the stationing of medium-range missiles, and many more. At the core of these problems was the fact that the United States was ideologically close but geographically distant from Europe (the opposite was true of the Soviet Union), which meant that Washington and its European allies often saw the world differently. In the end, the alliance survived these crises because there seemed no clear alternative – no one was prepared to accept the risks of a world without Nato.

Helen Parr: Nato has often been described as an unhappy marriage that not just endured but succeeded. During the Cold War its members were in almost constant disagreement. From its inception Nato was a military pact, committed to defend against attack, and a diplomatic alliance, pledged to deepen institutional and economic collaboration. Three issues repeatedly proved contentious: the balance between nuclear and conventional forces, choices between deterrence and diplomacy or détente, and differences in the relative influence and contributions of the United States and Europe.

Have Nato members questioned the United States’ commitment to European security in the past?

HP: The Berlin and Cuban crises in the early 1960s raised the chilling prospect of global nuclear war. The Europeans worried that either Nato might not allow a long enough cooling-off period during a crisis before turning to a nuclear response, or the Americans could stand aside and allow Europe to be destroyed. These fears encouraged the maintenance of British and French nuclear forces, and ignited perennial anxieties about the potential consequences of German access to nuclear weaponry.

Because of these concerns, the US and Europe attempted to formulate a more distinctly European grouping within Nato. The West Germans worried that, in any war below the nuclear threshold, German lives and territory would be sacrificed. At the same time, they wanted to keep open the possibility of German reunification, and the Cold War hardened the divisions they hoped to eventually heal. The British guarded against the loss of their nuclear independence in a European grouping; the UK was afraid that France might become the only nuclear power in Europe, and also did not want a German finger on the nuclear trigger. Nor did France, which also feared American dominance would submerge a European identity, and that Britain’s nuclear relationship with America would condemn France to a subordinate status.

US vice-president Mike Pence speaks after a Nato meeting in February 2017. He voiced the view that Nato members should increase defence spending. (Photo by Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images)

In 1966, French president de Gaulle withdrew France from Nato’s integrated military command structures. The Americans responded by seeking not to push France out of the diplomatic protection of the alliance, but to work around France. Nato established the Nuclear Planning Group to give the Europeans more say, formally adopted the doctrine of ‘flexible response’ to plan for conventional reaction rather than all-out nuclear war, and deepened its commitment to processes of détente before defence.

Tensions re-emerged in the 1980s, particularly after Nato’s 1979 ‘dual-track’ decision to station nuclear forces in western Europe. Though political leaders recognised the importance of this action in countering the threat from Soviet long-range forces, European populations were wary of stoking Cold War tensions. In the early 1980s, anti-nuclear protests increased. The irony was that heightened nuclear fear was one factor that brought the Cold War to its end.

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