How much did you learn about Viking kingdoms this week? Test your knowledge in our quiz
Explore more learning from week four of the HistoryExtra Academy Vikings course
Viking kingdoms, with Professor Ryan Lavelle – watching time 19 mins
The Danelaw: a Viking kingdom in England? – listening time 50 mins
Vikings: A land without kings – reading time 7 mins
Cnut: the great Dane – reading time 9 mins
Global Vikings: how the impact of the raiders and traders went far beyond Britain – reading time 7 mins
Vikings in Britain: how did raiders and marauders become lords and kings – reading time 15 mins
How Sweyn Forkbeard became the first Viking king of England – reading time 10 mins
Harald Hardrada: why there’s more to the last great Viking than his death in 1066 – reading time 8 mins