By Elinor Evans

Published: Tuesday, 03 May 2022 at 12:00 am

Sometimes confused with Mexico’s Independence Day (which is on 16 September), Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over invading French troops at the battle of Puebla on 5 May 1862. Despite it having been a significant moment in Mexican history, Cinco de Mayo is not a national holiday in Mexico. In fact, its biggest celebrations take place in the United States.

This is because people of Mexican heritage in California were some of the first to formalise commemorations of this epic victory over foreign invaders. In 1862, the French emperor Napoleon III sent soldiers to support Mexican conservatives. Recently defeated in civil war, these men wanted to overthrow the liberal, democratically elected president, Benito Juárez, and replace him with a European emperor: Habsburg archduke Ferdinand Maximilian.

To achieve this, the French army needed to occupy Mexico City. The French commander in chief of the expeditionary force, Charles Ferdinand Latrille, Comte de Lorencez, was arrogantly confident: “We have over the Mexicans such superiority of race, organisation, discipline, [and] morality . . . that now at the head of 6,000 soldiers I am the master of Mexico”. In May 1862, his army deployed before Puebla, Mexico’s second city and key point on the route to the capital.

Artist Patricio Ramos Ortega’s depiction of the battle of Puebla, which took place on 5 May 1862 near the city of Puebla during the French intervention in Mexico. (Photo by Leemage/Corbis via Getty Images)

General Ignacio Zaragoza commanded the Mexican force facing the invaders. He had roughly the same number of men as Lorencez, but many were poorly trained and badly equipped, with some local indigenous volunteers having nothing but machetes to fight with.

Despite this, Zaragoza’s men achieved an astonishing victory. But the Mexican army had only won a single battle; it would take five years to win the war. The French seized Mexico City in 1863, setting up the Second Mexican Empire, which was finally defeated with the execution of its emperor, Maximilian, in June 1867.

On the podcast | Edward Shawcross describes a little-known attempt to install an Austrian archduke as emperor of Mexico in the mid-19th century: