The Medieval Church

In medieval England, the Church was more than just a building you visited when you got married: it was the cornerstone of society. From your baptism to your dying breaths, it was there at every important milestone in life, and regular attendance – not just on Sundays – was expected from the majority of the population.

Crucially, the institution of the Church also exerted much more control over matters than we might expect today, and was not only responsible for helping the poor and needy, but keeping a watchful eye on the behaviour of its flock.

In this month’s Essential Guide, we’ll be taking you on a journey back to the Middle Ages, shining a spotlight on the lives of ordinary English worshippers, and revealing what it was like to serve within the Church itself.

With expert historical insight provided courtesy of Professor Nicholas Orme, we’ll also explore the role of women, investigate the surprising meanings behind church ‘graffti’, and examine the gruesome fates that befell those who were condemned as heretics. We begin on the next page, however, by answering some of the topic’s biggest questions…


Professor Nicholas Orme discusses the medieval Church on the HistoryExtra podcast: