British castles

Uncover the secrets of the spectacular structures that shaped the nation’s history: from times of conquest to times of revelry

Everything you wanted to know about British castles
Dr Marc Morris answers questions about the incredible buildings that shaped the nation

Grand designs
How master masons dreamed up fortresses that could withstand times of war and peace

How to capture a castle
Dr Marc Morris shares his tips for prosecuting a siege

Life within the walls
What did a typical day look like for the nobles, knights and servants who called castles their homes?

Timbers, towers and turrets
Explore the architectural features that made castles unique: from moats to portcullises

Great British castles
Looking for a castle to visit? You could do no better than to add these amazing landmarks to your checklist

Dr Marc Morris offers his views on why castles continue to hold such a grip on our imagination

Get hooked 
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Historical consultant for this month’s Essential Guide

Dr Marc Morris is the author of several critically acclaimed books on medieval history, including Castle: A History of the Buildings that Shaped Medieval Britain (Windmill, 2012)


To hear Dr Marc Morris answer questions about British castles on the HistoryExtra podcast, visit