As Mozart’s most famous anti-hero Don Giovanni goes on his trail of murder, seduction and inevitable self-destruction, George Hall embarks on a hunt of the finest recordings

By BBC Music Magazine

Published: Monday, 22 May 2023 at 12:00 am

The Opera of Operas’, as the writer and composer ETA Hoffmann described it 24 years after Mozart’s death, Don Giovanni has fascinated audiences ever since, generating a vast literature of commentary from writers, critics and philosophers as perceptions of its characters and their relationships have shifted over time.

So, too, have musical approaches to the piece during the recording era, with period instruments and historical information impacting on almost every facet of its interpretation.

Mozart composed Don Giovanni in 1787 for Prague, where he and his  music (especially The Marriage of Figaro) had won immense success. Adapting it for Vienna a year later, he made some big changes, including adding Donna Elvira’s aria ‘Mi tradì’ and substituting Don Ottavio’s ‘Dalla sua pace’ for the more technically challenging ‘Il mio tesoro’. The tendency over the decades has been to conflate the two versions, but more recently some conductors have opted for either Prague or Vienna.

We named Don Giovanni one of  the best operas of all time

The best recordings of Don Giovanni

Eberhard Wächter (Don Giovanni), Taddei, Schwarzkopf, Sutherland etc; Philharmonia Chorus and Orchestra/Carlo Maria Giulini (1959)

EMI 966 7992