
Published: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 at 10:56 AM

With Wimbledon 2024 getting underway, our thoughts have turned to the links between classical music and tennis. And there are quite a few of them, as it turns out.

Tennis-playing composers

Benjamin Britten

An all-round sportsman who played cricket, football and croquet, this British composer was particularly fond of a spot of tennis. But he wasn’t an opponent to be messed with. ‘Ben was intensely, remorselessly competitive in an almost sadistic way,’ remembers author Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy. ‘When you were beaten by him at squash or tennis… you literally felt that he’d been “beating” you.’

Claude Debussy

Not quite French Open material, but Debussy did enjoy an occasional game of tennis with fellow composer Maurice Ravel. More than this: his ballet Jeux is even based on tennis, albeit rather loosely. ‘In the park at twilight, a tennis ball has got lost…’ begins the scenario. And apart from the tennis court setting and the costumes, that’s pretty much it for the tennis theme. After that, any references to ‘love’ are more to do with affairs of the heart than the current score of the match.