
Published: Thursday, 11 July 2024 at 11:32 AM

Read on to discover music’s impact on the body

It’s long been known that playing and listening to music can stimulate the brain, boost creativity and improve learning. Especially as we age, learning an instrument, singing in a choir or simply listening to a Mozart symphony can provide a thorough workout for the brain.

Sound waves travel as electrical signals through the auditory nerve to the brain stem. The brain then deciphers those signals, connecting each note to the next. It effectively rebuilds different elements of the signals (such as pitch and rhythm) as the mathematical structures we recognise as music. That’s a lot of very complicated work!

But according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, music can also ‘reduce anxiety, blood pressure and pain, as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.’

Music’s impact on the body… Here are 7 ways that music can improve your physical health…

Music’s impact on the body… Improving the health of your heart

Research has shown that music helps the blood to flow more easily. It can also reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, decrease the stress hormone cortisol and increase levels in the blood of the ‘feel-good’, calming hormones serotonin and endorphins.

Music improves your mood

Music can boost the brain’s production of the ‘pleasure’ hormone dopamine, which helps relieve feelings of anxiety and depression. This is because music is processed by the amygdala – the part of the brain involved in mood and emotions. 

It’s very similar to the way that aerobic exercise – like walking, biking and swimming – can boost mood and positivity through increased levels of serotonin in the body.