
Published: Friday, 16 August 2024 at 10:00 AM

Read on to discover more about the popular – and playable – Philip Glass Piano Etudes…

Philip Glass – the composer

Now 87, Philip Glass continues to add to a body of work he began in earnest in the early 1960s. After his initial education in the US, he travelled in 1964 to Paris to study under Nadia Boulanger, a period in which he felt himself increasingly moving away from modernism.

And then, encountering the minimalist work of Steve Reich at a concert in New York further inspired the development of his own now-distinctive style, with its mesmerically repeated phrases and tonal harmonies. One of the most influential composers of the last 50 years, his output has covered everything from solo piano works to operas.

Glass Piano Etudes – a work for amateurs and professionals

He has written dozens of operas, symphonies, concertos and film scores, but Philip Glass says, ‘If I’m to be remembered for anything, it will be for the piano music, because people can play it’. And it’s true that his piano works, in particular the Etudes, have become some of his most popular pieces with both amateur and professionals alike.