By Freya Parr

Published: Wednesday, 10 November 2021 at 12:00 am

BBC Music Magazine asked 174 composers to name the five composers they thought to be the greatest of all time. The results were in, and we had our list of 50. JS Bach unsurprisingly came out in pole position, but behind him were a line-up of composers who are still creating music today. 

The best living composers

Kaija Saariaho (b1952)

Anna Thorvaldsdottir said of Kaija Saariaho: ‘She is one of the monumental composers of our time. I feel that the powerful presence of her music over the years has been particularly important as a role model for younger generations, not least for younger women in music that find inspiration and encouragement in such a compelling composer.’

Read our reviews of Kaija Saariaho’s recordings here.