Our round up of the hardest instruments

By Hannah Nepilova

Published: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 12:00 am

All instruments come with their own set of challenges. But some are definitely tougher than others. Here are ten instruments which, despite their many virtues, will push you further and harder than most.

10 hardest musical instruments to play


For all that it is one of the world’s most popular instruments, the violin is one of the hardest on which to make an acceptable sound, sometimes even after years of learning it. I should know – I play it myself, and I really don’t know how my parents put up with all those years of screeching. The problem is that, unlike a piano, the violin doesn’t give you any help: you have to make all the notes yourself, and woe betide you if you don’t have an inborn sense of relative pitch.

There’s also the coordination issue of doing two completely different things with your right and left hand. It’s an expensive instrument, unless, of course, you want a model that makes you sound screechier. Plus, it’s all a bit high maintenance, having to hold up the instrument with one hand, while scrabbling away for dear life with the other.

But don’t let that put you off. The violin, as we know, is capable of sounding heavenly. It will guarantee you a place in an orchestra (if you’re half decent) and there’s nothing like the feeling of mastering something difficult, or at least, making a respectable fist of it. Why else would I have kept going with it all these years?