
Published: Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 13:01 PM

Here is our pick of the best classical music festivals taking place across Europe during 2024. Don’t forget to also check out our useful guides to the UK’s best classical music festivals, and also to the best classical festivals in Canada and the USA this year.

Best Europe classical music festivals 2024

We’ll run through 2024’s best European festivals country by country. Here goes.

Best classical music festivals Germany 2024

Dresden Festival

Dresden, 9 May-9 June

Dresden is pondering the theme of ‘Horizons’: cellist and artistic director Jan Vogler believes that the perception of classical music is changing, ushering in transformation. Over 60 events colonise some 21 venues for a festival bookended by the Royal Amsterdam Concertgebouw and the Czech Philharmonic.

Conducted by Kent Nagano, the ongoing period instrument Wagner Ring cycle reaches Die Walküre; from Bach’s B minor Mass to electro-pop duo Ätna, Dresden’s own cultural hinterland is explored; and in the German Museum of Hygiene violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja dusts down Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire.

Bachfest Leipzig

Leipzig, 7-16 June

There might be 16 concerts given over to the chorale-cantatas, a closing traversal of the B minor Mass by Collegium Vocale Gent and the complete solo violin Sonatas and Partitas from Leonidas Kavakos, but in a busy ten days of Bachiana numbering over 150 events, not everything is resolutely brow-furrowing. In the Market Place, Bach goes Big Band, while the Babylon Orchestra fuses music from the Middle East, jazz… and Bach. His penchant for coffee and wine is imbibed, and a Bach Forest of 129,000 trees is planned to mitigate the festival’s ecological footprint.