Stephen Johnson is captivated by Beethoven in warm, lyrical mode as he listens out for the finest recordings of his groundbreaking work, Beethoven’s piano concerto No.4

By Stephen Johnson

2023-07-25 12:23:39

Beethoven’s so-called ‘middle period’, roughly the years 1802-12, is often referred to as his ‘Promethean’ phase. The masterworks of this time, we are often told, are characterised by intense striving, heaven-storming ambition, revolutionary daring in matters of form and expression.

But as Beethoven wrote enigmatically on one of his manuscripts, ‘Sometimes the opposite is also true’; and if any work could be held to demonstrate the truth of that it’s the Fourth Piano Concerto, a work that, composed in 1805-06, enjoyed its premiere at the same huge Theater an der Wien concert on 22 December 1808 – the same event that also saw the first performances of Beethoven’s Fifth and Sixth Symphonies.

A guide to the music of Beethoven’s piano concerto No.4