
Published: Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 13:12 PM

The guitar’s diminutive cousin, the ukulele has seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years. We’ve got some fascinating uke facts for you, along with some advice on picking up this most portable of instruments.

The ukulele forms part of the large lute family – instruments with plucked strings, also including (deep breath) the lute itself, plus the oud, pipa, guitar, banjo, bouzouki, theorbo, sitar and many others. Bowed instruments, including the viols and violins, are also members of the lute family.

Ukuleles commonly come in four sizes: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone.

2. It can trace its ancestry back to Tudor times

The ukulele’s classical roots have been explored most recently in a collaboration between master uke players (and Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain members) Nick Browning and George Hinchliffe, together with lutenist Elizabeth Kenny’s ensemble Theatre of the Ayre. Called Lutes ‘n’ Ukes, the project unites the Renaissance guitar and 20th-century ukulele. ‘The Portuguese braguinha and lute would have been contemporary instruments and played together in Elizabethan times,’ says Browning.