
Published: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 11:04 AM

Over the past few years, we’ve heard more and more about advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic techniques enabling computers to create music in a variety of styles, ranging from classical to pop. From composing orchestral masterpieces to generating pop hits, AI is transforming how music is created, challenging our understanding of creativity and artistry.

This is all, let’s remind ourselves, fairly new-frontier stuff, however. Even in our era of advanced technology, the possibility that a machine might be able to create original works of art is one that, until quite recently, stretched the minds of the world’s brightest scientists, artists and programmers.

Yet it’s arguably an idea as old as computing itself. Ever since the first incarnation of the computer, back in the 19th century, its power beyond the realm of numbers has been recognised. And one woman was key to thinking the seemingly unthinkable back then.

Who was Ada Lovelace?

The person who first identified the computer’s potential was Ada Lovelace, a pioneer of computer programming, and today an important role model for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Lovelace’s programming credentials are unique and remarkable but the extent of her accomplishment is even more exciting and significant. While she studied maths and understood computation with perceptions well ahead of her time, she also grasped that computers could do more than process numbers.

Margaret Carpenter’s painting ‘Ada Lovelace (1815 -1852) Mathematician; daughter of Lord Byron 1836’ at The Whitechapel Gallery, 2012. Pic: Peter MacDiarmid/Getty Images – Peter MacDiarmid/Getty Images

She saw that they could also reach into our social and creative lives – and might even one day generate music. But how did she come to draw this groundbreaking conclusion?

Perhaps it was in part down to her two very different parents, one artistic, the other scientific in inclination. Augusta Ada King was born in December 1815, the only child of an unhappy and short-lived marriage.

Who were Ada Lovelace’s parents?

That marriage was between the infamous Romantic poet Lord Byron and the strictly moral and mathematically educated Anne Isabella Milbanke.

Ada never knew her father and was brought up by her mother. Her educational path focused on music, French and mathematics.

Her intellect was formidable

Ada’s impressive array of teachers and mentors included the renowned polymath and writer Mary Somerville. The latter was the first person to be described in print as a ‘scientist’ – ‘man of science’ was thought inappropriate. Moreover, along with astronomer Caroline Herschel, Somerville was one of the first female members of the Royal Astronomical Society. Another famous tutor, Augustus De Morgan, is a name familiar today to any student of logic.

Lovelace’s intellect was formidable. ‘That Enchantress who has thrown her magic spell around the most abstract of Sciences has grasped it with a force which few masculine intellects (in our country at least) could have exerted,’ reported the mathematician Charles Babbage, one of a circle of intellectuals with whom she was friends.

Ada Lovelace
The world’s first ultra-realistic AI robot artist, Ai-Da (named after Ada Lovelace), who can draw, paint and is a performance artist, pictured alongside her self-portrait. Pic: GLYN KIRK/AFP via Getty Images – GLYN KIRK/AFP via Getty Images

Ada Lovelace – as she became when her husband William King, whom she married at the age of 20, became the first Earl of Lovelace – knew the scientists Michael Faraday and Charles Wheatstone. She also knew the nurse and social reformer Florence Nightingale, and the novelist Charles Dickens.

Lovelace and Babbage

But it was Lovelace’s friendship with Babbage that is pivotal to this story. They met through Somerville in 1833, when Lovelace was 17 and Babbage was 42.

In the 1820s, Babbage had invented his first mechanical computer, the Difference Engine, which he took delight in making the centrepiece of his soirées. De Morgan’s wife, Sophia, later wrote: ‘While other visitors gazed at the working of this beautiful instrument with the sort of expression, and I dare say the sort of feeling, that some savages are said to have shown on first seeing a looking-glass or hearing a gun… Miss Byron, young as she was, understood its working, and saw the great beauty of the invention.’

Who was Charles Babbage?

Babbage was an exceptional polymath and engineer. And the next computer he designed, the steam-powered Analytical Engine, remarkably anticipated the design of computers that would come a century later. It was never built, but Lovelace engaged closely with Babbage and this hypothetical machine and the fruits of their collaboration appeared in print in 1843.