By Jeremy Pound

Published: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 at 12:00 am

As we explore elsewhere on this site, religious hymns have been sung since at least the Ancient Greek era and have been a core part of Christian worship since its earliest centuries. Very occasionally, a hymn’s words and music are written by the same person, but more often, one person’s text is set to another’s melody. But what are the greatest hymns of them all? Here, we suggest our favourite combinations of fine words and equally magnificent music…

6 best hymns of all time

Guide me, O Thou Great Redeemer

Chosen by Prince William and Catherine Middleton to begin their wedding in April 2011, few hymns set such an uplifting tone as this Welsh masterpiece – and few are as enjoyable to sing as. Usually accompanying the words by Welsh Methodist William Williams (1717-1791) is John Hughes’s magnificent ‘Cwm Rhondda’ tune from 1905, named after the valley in South Wales. To many, however, the hymn is better known as ‘Bread of Heaven’, due to those famous repeated words in the first verse. After this, the following ‘Feed me till I want no more’ traditionally divides the congregation between those who stick with the high note in the tune and those who prefer to dip down to sing the upwardly accompanying ‘Want no moooooore!’ with appropriate gusto. The choice is yours.

Guide me, O Thou Great Redeemer‘ is also a popular rugby song for the Welsh fans, and is considered  Wales’s second national anthem (behind ‘’Land of My Fathers’).