
Published: Thursday, 19 September 2024 at 12:36 PM

Sometimes, hatred of a person or object can be almost as powerful as infatuation in serving as a muse. Here are six instances where hatred has found its way, pretty fruitfully we’d have to say, into music.

Six classical works inspired by hatred

Ligeti: Musica Ricercata II

György Ligeti composed the Musica Ricercata, a set of 12 pieces for solo piano, from 1951 to 1953. The second of the 12 is particularly haunting, obsessively repeating just two pitches (E sharp and F sharp) until a third note, a G natural, makes an unexpected appearance. With Hungary struggling with life as part of the Eastern Bloc, under the control of Stalin’s Russia, Ligeti famously said that the third note represented ‘a knife through Stalin’s heart’.

No wonder that Stanley Kubrick, who’d famously used Ligeti’s music in The Shining, deployed this chilling little melody in 1999’s Eyes Wide Shut to soundtrack the bewilderment and dread inside Tom Cruise’s mind.