
Published: Tuesday, 30 July 2024 at 10:19 AM

Last year, to mark the 100th anniversary of Maria Callas’s death, I found myself thinking about a word that, in her day, was still used as an accolade for women performers, especially opera singers, at the very top of their profession. Whereas today it’s become an all-purpose term of abuse applied to just about anybody who exhibits haughty behaviour. What do we mean by ‘diva’, and who were the great opera divas?

The word ‘diva’ means goddess in Latin. And until our own era it meant goddess in showbiz too. In fact, Callas’s fans nicknamed her La Divina, the divine – the ultimate diva. It implied not just incredible talent but something perhaps even more powerful: a charismatic force that reached out and mysteriously touched the hearts of millions.