History’s finest interpreters of Shostakovich’s ever-absorbing, endlessly varied symphonies

By Freya Parr

Published: Sunday, 02 April 2023 at 12:00 am

The 15 symphonies of Dmitri Shostakovich traverse a huge emotional and musical terrain, from the youthful fireworks of Symphony No. 1 via the defiance and bleakness of numbers 7 and 8, onto the strange death music of number 15, his last.

Read conductor Vasily Petrenko’s guides to all 15 Shostakovich symphonies on our website.

Who are the greatest Shostakovich conductors?

Which conductors have best realised this strange and absorbing music? Here are our top five Shostakovich conductors.

Yevgeny Mravinsky (1903-88)

Mravinsky gave world premieres of seven of Shostakovich’s symphonies: 5, 6, 8 (which was dedicated to him) 9, 10, 11 and 12. Though the composer’s favourite interpreter for many years, his refusal to conduct Symphony No. 13 ‘Babi Yar’ caused a permanent rift.

Recommended recording:
Symphony No. 8: Leningrad Philharmonic/Mravinsky

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