By Hannah Nepilova

Published: Monday, 13 November 2023 at 17:10 PM

It’s easy to forget, since classical music is often associated with a somewhat serious brand of artistry, that some of the funniest people on this planet were classically trained musicians. Here, in no particular order, are some of their funniest musical offerings.

Funniest songs

1. ‘The Gas Man Cometh’ by Flanders and Swann

The stars were aligned when, in 1948, the lyricist, actor and singer Michael Flanders joined forces with the composer and pianist Donald Swann in a musical partnership. The songs and light operas that emerged from the duo rank amongst the funniest ever to come out of Britain.

This one, satirising the stereotypical British tradesman, is my personal favourite. The singer calls in the gas man to fix his gas supply; he promptly tears out the skirting boards. So, the narrator calls in a carpenter, who nails through a cable and puts out the lights.

Next in is the electrician, who puts his foot through the window while standing on a bin to reach the fuse box. When the glazier comes to fix the damage, his putty and blow torch necessitate a visit from a painter, who paints over the gas tap….and we’re back to where we started.