By BBC Music Magazine

Published: Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 15:54 PM

Every self-respecting symphony orchestra can dash off the Candide Overture in the time it takes to boil an egg. Tunes like ‘Maria’ and ‘Tonight’ are evergreens. So it may seem perverse to describe Leonard Bernstein as an unknown composer.

Who was Leonard Bernstein?

The truth is that Bernstein was a musical Jekyll and Hyde. There was never any question about the quality of his musicals: with the exception of the bicentennial disaster, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they were instant successes and have remained firm favourites.

The mould-breaking West Side Story is often revived on Broadway and in the West End – and also mounted by school amateurs at one end of the spectrum and prestigious opera houses at the other, among them La Scala and Bregenz.