Andrew Stewart pays an aural visit to late-Renaissance Italy, as he takes his pick of the best recordings of a spectacular sacred masterpiece, Vespers of 1610

By BBC Music Magazine

Published: Friday, 24 March 2023 at 12:00 am

Claudio Monteverdi, born in Cremona in 1567, towered above the mill’s run of late-Renaissance composers. But as the new century dawned, he felt increasingly becalmed in the relative backwater of Mantua, despite opportunities offered by his promotion as maestro di cappella to the powerful Gonzaga family.

Monteverdi’s career blues deepened during a long and reactionary campaign against his highly expressive vocal music, spearheaded by the priest and music theorist Giovanni Maria Artusi. The responsibilities of fatherhood also weighed heavily.

The death of his wife and a relentless workload pitched the 43 year-old into a state of depression. It was time for Monteverdi and Mantua to part company.

When did Monteverdi compose Vespers?