
Published: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 at 01:10 AM

‘From today I seriously intend to enter into lawful matrimony with anyone at all.’ This was the seemingly frivolous comment that the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky made to his his brother Modest in 1876. Tchaikovsky was 36 years old at the time. Of marriageable age, in short, although if you know much about the composer’s life you’ll know that this wouldn’t have been a wise move. Nonetheless, Tchaikovsky was in deadly earnest. The following year, true to his word, he would take a wife.

Who did Tchaikovsky marry?

On 18 July the following year, just 11 months later, Tchaikovsky married Antonina Miliukova, a woman eight years his junior, at a Moscow ceremony with most of his family absent. Why did Tchaikosvky marry, and what happened next?

Tchaikovsky and his wife Antonina Miliukova, 1877. Pic: Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images – Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images

Their union lasted the blink of an eyelid: two months later they separated, never to be reunited. What had gone so spectacularly wrong?

The official line, peddled for decades by friends and family of Tchaikovsky, was that his wife Antonina was to blame. A one-time student of Tchaikovsky’s at the Moscow Conservatory, she wrote to him in the spring of 1877 confessing her long-held love and admiration. Against his better judgement Tchaikovsky replied, starting a correspondence which Antonina described as ‘not without interest’.

‘A crazed half-wit’

The two were, though, desperately ill-matched. Despite a respectable family background, Antonina was, Tchaikovsky wrote, ‘utterly poor’ with only an ‘average level’ of education. His brother Modest was even more unkind, calling her a ‘crazed half-wit’ who was unable to understand her future husband’s refined sensibilities and intellectual interests. In truth, however, Tchaikovsky’s blind desire to suddenly marry ‘anyone at all’, and use her as a cloak to hide his homosexuality from society, was the real culprit.

He had good reason to fear that his sexuality could ruin a career that had already yielded masterpieces such as the ballet Swan Lake and the First Piano Concerto. Russian society of the period tolerated homosexuality only if it remained private. Declaring it publicly would, Tchaikovsky realised, bring shame and scandal, and ‘pain to the people close to me’.