By BBC Music Magazine

Published: Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 12:00 am

Did you know ‘Pop goes the Weasel’ is a country dance, as well as a nursery rhyme?  It is thought the popular song dates back to the mid-19th century, and is often used in Jack-in-the-box toys and for ice cream trucks.

The dance originated as an instrumental jig except for when it comes to the ‘pop goes the weasel’ part. This is then sung as one pair of dancers move under the arms of the other dancers.

There are lots of theories behind the phrase P’op Goes the Weasel’. According to reports a weasel can be a tailor’s flat iron, silver-plate dishes, a dead animal, a hatter’s tool, or a spinner’s weasel.

Did you know there’s a national ‘Pop Goes the Weasel Day in the USA? It’s on June 14 in case you want to join in the fun

‘Pop goes the Weasel’ lyrics