By Dr Natasha Loges

Published: Thursday, 28 March 2024 at 16:59 PM

Elsa Dreisig (soprano), Adèle Charvet (mezzo-soprano), Stéphane Degout (baritone), Olivia Dalric (narrator), Florian Caroubi, Célia Oneto Bensaid and Romain Louveau (piano)

La Boîte à Pépites BAP04-05   103 mins (2 discs)

La Boîte à Pépites has scored another hit with the turn-of-the-century songs of the prolific and visionary Rita Strohl (1865-1941). Here are four substantial cycles, including Bilitis, Quand la flûte de Pan (poems declaimed over piano); six Baudelaire settings; and Dix poésies with assorted poets.

Harmonically and structurally uninhibited, and an excellent pianist herself, Strohl gave each text a bespoke response. From the first song, ‘Lykas’, I fell in love with her dazzling imagination. Elsa Dreisig and Romain Louveau transport us in the Greek-inspired songs of Bilitis, Dreisig’s cool sound an excellent match to the archaic-style poetry, and ‘La Chevelure’ is irresistible. ‘Le Sommeil interrompu’ startlingly describes a nocturnal rape. Olivia Dalric and Célia Oneto Bensaid hypnotise in the Pan poems.

Stéphane Degout and Louveau’s rendition of the six Baudelaire settings is by turns bleak and dramatic. Strohl’s plodding, weary setting of ‘Spleen’ explodes into a magnificent climax. But the magical ‘Barcarolle’ which opens the Dix poésies compensates for Baudelaire’s moodiness. Each of these ten songs reveals Strohl’s superbly varied piano writing, ability to transcend poetic clichés and effortless prosody – and are beautifully performed by Adèle Charvet with Florian Caroubi.

Justice cannot be done in a few words to the discoveries on this revelatory double album, with high production values, starry musicians, and crystal-clear sound. This is one to gift all your song-loving friends.