
Published: Monday, 17 June 2024 at 08:54 AM

Here are the lyrics to the national anthem of Romania, Deșteaptă-te, române!

Romania national anthem lyrics – English

Wake up Romanians from your sleep of death
Into which you’ve been sunk by the barbaric tyrants.
Now or never, sow a new fate for yourself
To which even your cruel enemies will bow!

Now or never, let us show the world
That through these arms, Roman blood still flows;
And that in our chests we still proudly bear a name
Triumphant in battles, the name of Trajan!

Behold, mighty shadows; Michael, Stephen, Corvinus,
The Romanian nation, your great grandchildren.
With armed hands, with your fire in their veins,
“Life in liberty or death”, they all proclaim!

Priests, lead with holy crosses, for this army is Christian,
Its motto is liberty and its goal all too holy.
Better to die in battle in with eternal glory,
Than to once again be slaves on our ancient lands!