Our round-up of the 10 scariest songs

By Hannah Nepilova

Published: Tuesday, 03 October 2023 at 11:37 AM

From ghosties, witches and barons on broomsticks to the more pungent flavours of disturbing, there’s a scary song for everyone. Here is a selection of the scariest, to be enjoyed this Halloween and beyond…

Scariest songs

1. Gilbert & Sullivan: ‘When the Night Wind Howls’ from Ruddigore/The Witch’s Curse

Intended as a satirical dig at the Victorian obsession with the supernatural, Gilbert & Sullivan’s 1887 opera tells of ghosts, witches’ curses and the tiring business of having to commit a different crime every day. Among its most famous moments is Sir Roderic’s Act II song – ‘When the Night Wind Howls’- whose music is as over the top as the lyrics: ‘Fair phantom, come! The moon’s awake, The owl hoots gaily from its brake, The blithesome bat’s a-wing. Come, soar to yonder silent clouds; The ether teems with peopled shrouds: We’ll fly the lightsome spectre crowds, Thou cloudy, clammy thing.’